art with spirits...just to let you know.Sean Hanrahan is an outstanding poet who is writing and working in the Philadelphia area. Gay Cake is on Amazon for those who want to purchase it. Leave a review or purchase it. Gay Cake (Toho Publishing Chapbook Series One): Sean Hanrahan, Tanya Kam, Josh Martin, Andn és Cruciani: 9781734499209: Books
Gay Cake (Toho Publishing Chapbook Series One) [Sean Hanrahan, Tanya Kam, Josh Martin, Andrés Cruciani] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Gay Cake is a hard-hitting poetic response to the current state of gay life in America in the wake of the muddled Masterpiece Bakeshop vs. Colorado Civil Rights Commission Supreme Court decision. This chapbook explores the intersection where gay acceptance meets homophobia and assimilation meets defiance through incorporating gay history. Safer Behind Popcorn is also still for sale: Safer Behind Popcorn: Sean Hanrahan, James Dennis Casey IV, Cajun Mutt Press: 9781652008699: Books Safer Behind Popcorn [Sean Hanrahan, James Dennis Casey IV, Cajun Mutt Press] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. In this work, Sean seeks to claim a space for gay men and all women in Hollywood. Through combining Hollywood lore Sean Hanrahan is an outstanding poet who is currently writing and working in the Philadelphia area. Comedian & super funny guy, Glenn Freezeman, will be making a special guest appearance with Mike Clements, Eddie Dochnal Saturday March 25 at Comedy Cabaret Comedy Club Northeast in Neighbors Bar in Philadelphia. Check Them Out!!!
Congratulations Glenn Freezman on your New York City performance.
Yes. Poetry and Art are a great combination. Poetry was presented by Krissann Janowitz, Ann-Adelle Wright Words to describe their work. Fabulous.